So just what is a specialised VA and how can they help neurodivergent entrepreneurs?

When talking about neurodiversity, we are discussing a range of individual variations in brain functioning and behavioural traits. This can include Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Tourette's, and more. The working and communication style of those individuals can vary, so in order to best serve them, they may require alternative approaches to certain tasks or interactions.

The addition of VA support to someone's digital life has been found to greatly enhance their quality of work and communication. They provide digital assistance ensuring that all the client’s usual business tasks are completed accurately and efficiently, with room for understanding any personalised adjustments that may be required.

 According to the Federation of Small Businesses, statistically 25% of small business owners identify as neurodivergent and/or disabled. You can read the full report here:  Research has suggested that the very traits that can be seen as challenges, when viewed under the entrepreneurial lens actually lend themselves to exactly the traits needed to get a business off the ground;  Add to that the freedom to choose how,  where and when you work – the freedom to be your own boss can actually overcome obstacles that may have blocked a person’s ability to access the world of work.

 To help business leaders and to level the playing field so the speak, the UK government launched a funding scheme called ‘Access to Work’.

The funding offered can be used to access support via a specialised VA which can assist entrepreneurs to progress their business forward and avoid burnout and overwhelm.

 The support provided should complement the business and maximise an individual’s strengths and get that to-do list done!

 VA's possess the capability to deliver bespoke services, not just technical skills, but through understanding a client's restraints and limitations. With open and honest communication, this can be through learning different software or providing visual signalling or prompts, even providing vocal tonality or 'body doubling' if needed. This adjustment of working styles allows for both support and also for clients to be their authentic selves.

The team at Heaven Sent Solutions provides exactly this level of support, they take their extensive training, working, and lived experience in the world of neurodiversity and team it with the knowledge and experience of business.  Providing the sweet spot between business support with a humanistic approach!

 We are open to receiving ‘Access to Work’ applicants and if you would like to discuss requirements, please feel free to get in touch by email or book a free consultation by clicking the link here



Habit Stacking: Unlocking higher Productivity in Business & Life


How having a VA on your team can grow your business